If you want to get paid to evaluate products one of the best places to look is in classified ads, whether in your local newspaper or on Craigslist. Getting paid to evaluate products cannot be a full time job, but you’d be surprised at how much extra income you can make this way—even as much as $600 to $800 a month if you work hard at it. Other places where you can find opportunities to get paid to evaluate products include ads in magazines, radio ads, and just walking around your local mall, most of which have market research companies located within them.
If you’re going to get paid to evaluate products the first thing you need to do is decide if you qualify for a study or not. If a study is looking for male smokers aged 30-40 who smoke less than a pack a week, and you fit that criteria except you’re three weeks away from your 30th birthday, it may be worth trying to apply anyway. However, if you’re female, or 50, or smoke a pack a day, don’t waste your time or the interviewers.
This is one of the reasons that if you want to get paid to evaluate products it is worthwhile to go to the mall and talk to the people who are taking surveys. While you may not qualify for the survey that they’re working on they may be aware of other survey needs, and after being rejected by most-passersby who are too busy to deal with them, they will be thrilled to have someone who’s enthusiastic about the process. In addition, if you take the first survey the pay may be low, but you often get an opportunity to complete follow-up surveys. For example, say you do a taste test on orange juice. They may pay you $5 to blind test two different brands of orange juice, but if you pick the brand they’re actually promoting, they may give you a week’s supply and ask you to test the process of making the orange juice from concentrate. At the end of the week you do a phone-in survey of greater length and for your time they pay you an additional $10.
Be warned that there are some websites which claim you can get paid to evaluate products but they actually want you to pay a membership fee. Any legitimate market research firm will pay you to evaluate products, not ask you to pay them in order to find out how to go about getting paid for product evaluations. However, there are some websites that will ask you to write product reviews and then you get paid for those reviews, either upfront or through revenue sharing. This is a legitimate way to get paid to evaluate products that may be confused with scam offers that require you to pay.
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